August 20 – 23, 2024

Vienna, Austria


The conference is intended to be a community-meeting, i.e., selection of talks will be decided by the SOC, following your input as a participant.

Main focus:

  • Highlights of BRITE and related space missions, such as CoRoT, MOST, Kepler, TESS, etc.
  • Observations, theory, data archives (low- to high-mass stars, PMS to late evolution stages, single stars to complex systems)
  • Follow-up projects in stellar astrophysics, now and in the future
  • Lessons learned for science and technology


  • Standard presentations, 15 min to 25 min each, as will be allocated by SOC
    • A larger time-block is scheduled at the end of each session to allow for a discussion of all previous presentations, with a focus on their scientific and technical context. This strategy requires a time limit of the individual presentations and to postpone discussions to the dedicated blocks.
  • Posters (electronic & paper)
    • To submit an electronic poster, please fill in the corresponding form distributed via email. All electronic posters will be made available on the conference website, starting on the week of the conference.
    • If you decide to bring a paper poster, it should be mounted as soon as possible, starting on Tuesday morning. The poster format should be about DIN A1 (about 60 x 84 cm) and in portrait format. Posters will be on display during the conference week and must be dismounted at the latest after the end of the conference on Friday at 15:00 CEST.

After launch of the first BRITE nanosatellites in 2013 and having established a fully operational constellation of five BRITEs in 2014, we want to celebrate this ground breaking space project focused on bright stars that established nanosatellites as powerful research tools. It provided excellent data for the international scientific community during 10 years and resulted hitherto in 228 publications (see BRITE Science in the link provided on the official BRITE website).

IDr or IDb indicate the satellite with a red or blue filter, respectively. Unfortunately, BMb did not make it into orbit.